To register for classes, please follow the instructions below! ​If you have questions about your student's placement or need assistance registering for class, please email or call 216.320.9000 extension 108.
1. Click Here to view Academy of Cleveland Ballet on DanceStudio-Pro
2. Log in or create a user account to enter the portal
3. Add your student(s) you'd like to register for classes
4. Select the term you'd like to register for
5. Determine the classes you'd like to register for and select them
6. Pay the non-refundable registration fee ($10)
7. Receive a confirmation email
8. See you at class!

Discounts and Offers
> Receive 10% off when you bundle and pay for the full semester, or receive 15% off registration when you pay for the full 2024-2025 Academy year! These special bundle discounts only apply to individuals who are pre-paying for the sessions.
> A special multi-student discount is being offered for the 2024-2025 Academy of Cleveland Ballet season for families with multiple students enrolled! After paying full price for your first student, receive 10% off your second, and then an additional 5% off for each student after.

Additional Tuition Information
> Tuition is paid in advance by a credit card payment on DanceStudio-Pro OR a check made out to Cleveland Ballet. Parents paying by credit-card will have a 3% systems tax and auto-pay is available. There is a $10 non-refundable registration fee upon sign-up.
> Refunds are not made after a session has begun unless a class is cancelled. If a class is cancelled, a full refund will be automatically processed.
> A $25 late fee will apply to any account with an outstanding balance after the due date.